Books I’ve Written And Am Writing

I started writing in my early teens when I was living in Wollaston, which is part of Quincy, Massachusetts. I wrote both short stories and novels. When I look at my early works now, I cringe. They were so bad I can see now why no one wanted to publish them. I began by writing short stories. One of my first was The Message. It was about a space ship Rover that got attacked by enemies and was damaged so badly it couldn’t return to base. The crew ran out of oxygen and died.

The Rover

I didn’t stick with short stories or fantasy. Instead, I started writing in other genres. One genre was the Civil War, but from the Confederate point of view.

Confederate soldiers

One of my first Fantasy novels was Star Refuge. Jack Richards, who belonged to a band of guerrillas, is captured by fascists and is going to be executed along with five of his friends. He recalls how all that happened.

A Fascist

Right now, I’m almost ready to publish the last book in a four-book series: Charm Wars, A Light in the Window, Revenge of the Estatis, and now Conquest.

Legionaries in Conquest

Currently, I’m working The Vatican List. Three Nazi war criminals, Karl Reichter and his two associates, try to kill Karl’s brother, who is a high ranking member of the Vatican, and get a list of Nazi war criminals from him. They call the list the Vatican List.

Mossad agent Dahlia Sharett and her two partners try to kill Karl and take the list. Her partners are killed instead and, she fails in her mission.

Paul Jefferson, who lives in Massachusetts with his father and mother, is visiting Rome. His father is a devout Jew. Paul inadvertently gets hold of a the Vatican List and sees his father’s name on it.

Reichter wants the list back and will do anything to get it.

The Vatican


The Publishing Process for Charm Wars